FastExcel V4 Whats New

FastExcel V4 Whats New

This page shows details of updates and fixes made to FastExcel V4 since the initial release.

For information on the improvements in Version 4 compared to Version 3 see FastExcel V4 for V3 users.

For an overview of FastExcel V4 see Why FastExcel V4

The current build numbers of FastExcel V4 are

  • Profiler V4: 814
  • Manager Pro V4 for Windows: 764.703
  • Manager Pro V4 for Mac: 764.703
  • SpeedTools V4: 469.450

Changes in recent builds:

  • 22 July 2024
    • Build 470.451 of SpeedTools
      • Fix: MATCHES MatchCols type 6 errors when using numeric columns
  • 27 June 2024
    • Build 469.450 of SpeedTools
      • Fix: LISTDISTINCTS.SUM Error message
  • 28 January 2024
    • Build 468.449 of SpeedTools
      • Fix: MATCHES SkipCols paramters are zero-based: 0 means column 1
      • Fix: New Build Download URL
  • 1 September 2023
    • Build 765.703 of Windows & Mac Manager Pro
      • Fix: Name Manager - Names >255 characters.
  • 17 July 2023
    • Build 467.448 of SpeedTools
      • Fix: change all single-cell array function output results to scalar.
  • 28 June 2023
    • Build 467.447 of SpeedTools
      • Fix persistence of Mix-Mode settings between Excel Sessions
  • 4 May 2023
    • Build 764.701 of Manager Pro
      • Fixes for Name Maps and coexistence of Name Manager, Name Manager Pro, Lambda Explorer
    • Build 814 of Profiler
      • Fix for Profile Book with Collaborative AutoSave
  • 2 October 2022
    • Build 813 of Profiler
      • Fix for Trial Mode Profiling
  • 6 September 2022
    • Build 465.446 of SpeedTools
      • VSTACKF and HSTACKF as alias for FastExcel VSTACK and HSTACK
      • Increased number of Criteria Column-Criteria pairs from 12 to 18 for FILTER.IFS, ASUMIFS, ACOUNTIFS and the other IFS family functions
      • Recognise new Excel functions
    • Build 759.698 of Manager Pro
      • Explorer Pro contains Lambda Explorer function
      • Support for new Excel functions.
      • Improved error handling
    • Build 812 of Profiler
      • Support of new Excel functions
      • Improved error handling
  • 28 November 2021
    • Build 601.688 of Manager Pro
      • Fix for Alt-Enter to save Indented formula in the cell
      • Fix for "Formula has changed" nessage when the formula has not changeds
      • Improved error handling
  • 8 November 2021
    • Build 600.688 of Manager Pro
      • Fix for Explorer Pro Dependents Left and right click
      • Names Map fix for Tables
      • Fix for Explorer Pro Dependents Left and right click
      • Fix for Explorer Pro Form positioning with multiple screens
      • Fixed horizontal splitter bar in Explorer Pro
      • Improved recognition of translated Function Names in Explorer Pro
  • 31 October 2021
    • Build 811 of Profiler: Fixes for VBA Profiler Iterations, Workbook Profiler
  • 8 October 2021
    • Build 599.688 of Manager Pro: Fixes for Explorer Pro, Font Size changer in Name Manager Settings
  • 15 September 2021
    • Build 598.685 of Manager Pro: Fixes for Dynamic Range Wizard, AddNames Form
  • 8 May 2021
    • Build 596.684 of Manager Pro: Fix for numeric constants with leading zeros and using a different decimal character
  • 7 May 2021
    • Build 595.684 of Manager Pro: Fix for different Decinal Characters, Explorer Pro LAMBDAs
  • 28 April 2021
  • 26 April 2021
    • Build 464.445 of SpeedTools
      • Fix for SpeedTools Help
  • 22 April 2021
    • Build 463.445 of SpeedTools
      • Fix for FastExcel lookup functions where using True/False in non-english Excel caused failure on open after save
  • 6 April 2021
    • Build 462.444 of SpeedTools
      • Added AGGREGATES functions as an alias of TOTALS
      • Fix for FILTERIFS and other *IFS functions when the first item being filtered is an empty cell
      • SLICES and similar functions: Added ability to select rows and columns by clcking cells within the Range being SLICEd.
  • 9 February 2021
    • Build 809 of Profiler
      • VBA Profiler support for XLAM files as well as XLSM files
    • Build 553.804 of Manager Pro
      • Name Manager Pro supports Lambdas and Name Comments
  • 8 January 2021
    • Build 808 of Profiler
      • API for calling Profiler commands from VBA
  • 4 January 2021
    • Build 461.443 of SpeedTools
      • Fix for calling FastExcel calculation methods from VBA
  • 30 October 2020
    • Build 460.443 of SpeedTools
      • DNA Intellisense updated to 1.41 - Fix for threading crash
  • 22 October 2020
    • Build 806 of Profiler
      • Version 2.0 of VBA Profiler
        • Improved VBA Drilldown
        • Add Profiler calls around loops (Thanks to Don Soloway)
        • Profile each iteration of Loops
        • Output profiling results to the Immediate Window
        • Tighter Integration with the VBIDE
        • Add profiler calls around blocks of VBA selected in the VBIDE
        • Extended Profiling Settings and Options
        • Language translation support for ARRAYTOTEXT, STOCKHISTORY, LET, VALUETOTEXT, XLOOKUP, XMATCH
  • 17 October 2020
    • Build 548.801 of Manager Pro:
      • Version 4.6 of Explorer Pro
        • Button to toggle Treeview node expansion between all and default.
        • Support of Dynamic Array Spill Operator with expressions returning references
        • Exploring Spilled Cells uses the root formula of the Spill
        • Improved support for ROW() and COLUMN() functions
        • Ability to evaluate more complex expressions
        • Language translation support for ARRAYTOTEXT, STOCKHISTORY, LET, VALUETOTEXT, XLOOKUP, XMATCH
        • Useability improvements include sticky settings within a session, more consistent expression coloring
  • 9 September 2020
    • All XLAM, XLL and Install exe files are digitally signed
    • Build 540.801 of Manager Pro: fixes for Name Manager userform truncation
    • Build 458.442 of SpeedTools
      • Fix for Rgx.Mid when called from VBA
      • Fix for copy paste and performance with Dynamic Array Excel
  • 16 July 2020
    • Build 539.801 of Manager Pro
      • Version 4.5 of Formula Explorer Pro
        • Improved Tooltips for better UI
        • Function keys and fixes to simplify moving and resizing Explorer Pro
        • Improved Performance
        • Cell Coloring Improvements
          • Separate Color Button, Default is On, Shift-Click and Alt-Click to Cycle Colors and Color Shading
          • Green/Purple coloring for Array IFs
          • Filtered Results Coloring
        • Array Expression improvements
          • Source precedents found for Array Expressions
          • Improved Filtering for Array Results
        • Filtering Improvements
          • Coloring and GoTo for filtered array result cells
          • Additional Filters available
      • Added Built-in column to Styles and Formats Maps
      • Improved Forms centering for Mac Excel
  • 18 June 2020
    • Build 508.801 of Manager Pro: Fix for Dynamic Range Wizard Step 5 bug
  • 8 June 2020
    • Build 458.442 of SpeedTools: BREAKING CHANGE to ACCUMULATE function - parameter sequence changed
    • Build 507.801 of Manager Pro: Improved Event handling in Explorer Pro
  • 4 June 2020
    • Build 458.441 of SpeedTools: DIFF Parameters extended, MOVAVG Function, ASUMIFS improvements, misc bugs, documentation
    • Build 803 of Profiler: DIFF, MOVAVG, better handling of VBA errors in the workbook being profiled, misc bugs
    • Build 506.801 of Manager Pro: DIFF, MOVAVG, remember last used CLEAN options, Unicode allowabale Name characters, misc bugs
  • 23 April 2020
    • Build 457.400 of SpeedTools: Smaller Ribbon, Added Formatting of Dynamic Arrays, DIFF function
    • Build 801 of Profiler: Smaller Ribbon, DIFF, misc bugs
    • Build 504.800 of Manager Pro: Smaller Ribbon, GoTo Styles, DIFF, misc bugs
  • 3 April 2020
    • Build 501.800 of Manager Pro: Added Same Refersto filter to Name Manager, Fix for resize after changing Language
  • 31 March 2020
    • Build 800 of Profiler: Fix for incorrect Windows version in Excel 2010
  • 30 March 2020
    • Build 500.799 of Manager Pro
      • Updated Explorer Pro to handle LET and intermediate LET values
  • 21 March 2020
    • Build 451.439 of SpeedTools
      • Updated Intellisense and Help
      • Using zero as inclusive operator in column and row lists for SLICES, TOTALS etc
    • Build 799 of Profiler
      • Fix for 1004 when profiling Functions but not Formulas
      • Recognise LET as a native function
  • 17 March 2020
    • Build 497.799 of Manager Pro: fixes for Formula Explorer Pro
      • Fix for deeply nested Defined Names containing functions
      • Fix for INDIRECT with structured references
      • Fix for nested functions inside INDIRECT
      • Expressions that are too large/complex to be evaluated return #????
      • Performance improved for complex workbooks
  • 9 March 2020
    • Build 450.438 of SpeedTools
      • REPEAT Function - Repeat a block of cells vertically and/or horizontally
      • TOTALS - If only a single Total Type given then use it for all columns/rows.
  • 7 March 2020
    • Build 494.799 of FastExcel Manager Pro
      • Fix for Memory Used
      • Fix for Formula Explorer with nested XLL UDFs
    • Profiler Build 798
      • Fix for Memory Used
      • Larger form for Time Macro
      • VBA Profiler : Option for Inclusive or Exclusive timings
      • VBA Profiler: check for uncaptured procedure exit
    • SpeedTools 449.437
      • ACCUMULATE function
      • SPLIT.TEXT now supports an array/range of text
      • Fixed or Floating option for TOTALS and HTOTALS
      • Allow different total types by column/row for TOTALS and HTOTALS
  • 27 February 2020
    • Build 493.799 of FastExcel Manager Pro
    • Added Check DA to Manager Pro - Back compatibility checker for dynamic array Excel
    • Show Sheet Code names option in Sheet Manager
    • Additional Coloring options in Formula Explorer
    • Name Manager remove names also removes Names used in Power Query
  • 23 February 2020
    • Fixes for Deactivate Licenses
    • Fixes for Cyrillic support
    • Fix for selecting in Explorer Pro with Formula Indenting switched off
    • Added Control-A to Name Manager to select all filtered Names (bypass of Mac Excel bug)
  • 13 February 2020: SpeedTools Build 447.436 - fix for compile error in Excel 2007
  • 6 February 2020
    • Fixes for Calc Timing Keys
    • Fixes for Profile Workbook
  • 5 February 2020
    • Automatic installer improvements and fixes
    • Fixes for Counting functions and the Dynamic Range wizard
  • 1 February 2020 - Release of FastExcel V4

Known problems :

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