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View/Debug/Edit Modes




View/Debug/Edit Modes

View Mode (Alt-V)

When this option is selected the Home cell and its formula in the Formula Box does not change, but you can change the active selected cell and hence the formula in Excel’s formula bar by selecting a worksheet cell using the mouse or the keyboard.

This method allows you to see at the same time both the indented formula from one cell and the formula in another cell that is referenced by the indented formula.

Right-clicking (Windows) or Shift-clicking (Mac) a reference or source expression in the Expression TreeView box will drill down to that reference or source and load its formula into Explorer Pro, but will not change the Home Cell.

You can return to the home cell by clicking the home button, or use the left or right arrow keys, or the Back and Forward buttons on Explorer Pro to navigate up and down the drill-down path.


Debug Mode (Alt-D)

When this option is selected you can use the right and left arrow keys to debug the indented formula step-by-step.


Edit Mode (Alt-E)

This option is designed to allow you to change the formula in the Formula Box.
When selected additional editing options appear at the bottom of the form.

And at the top of the form the Origin Box becomes a Destination Box showing where the changed formula will be entered.
 (You can dynamically change the destination to make it easy to pick up a formula from one place, change it and then insert it in a different place).

Origin Destination and Home Cell

In the View and Debug Modes this shows you the home cell that the formula came from.
Clicking the Explorer Pro Home button selects the address shown.

In Edit Mode this shows you the destination address where the formula will be entered.


Refresh (Alt-F)

The Refresh button causes Explorer Pro to replace the current formula with the formula from the currently active cell. The currently active cell becomes the Home cell.
A Formula containing indentation in the Home cell get re-indented in the formula box using the current indent style.

Show Precedents (Alt-R)

Clicking this button toggles between showing Expressions and showing Precedents. The default setting is to only show unique precedents: this can be changed in Settings.
A Precedent will be shown when either the Expression TreeView or the Source/reference box are a reference.

Clicking a Precedent selects and colors the precedent cells on the worksheet.

 When all the cells in a precedent range contain formulas a green icon is shown.

 When some of the cells in a precedent range contain formulas and some of the cells contain constant data a yellow icon is shown.

Show Dependents (Alt-Q)

Clicking the Dependents button (Alt-Q) shows the cell ranges that are dependent on the home cell.

The left-hand expression box shows the ranges that contain dependencies on the home cell.

The right-hand expression box shows the formula that is contains the dependency (refers to the home cell). When the dependency range contains more than one unique dependency formula the number of unique formulas is shown enclosed in {}.
Selecting a dependency with more than one unique formula shows each of the unique formulas in the results box above.

Left-click a dependency range to select it on the worksheet.

Right-click (or shift-click on the Mac) drills down to the dependency range and makes it the home cell.

 When all the cells in a dependency range have dependencies of their own a green icon is shown.

When only some of the cells in a dependency range contain dependencies of their own a yellow icon is shown.

Notes: Dependencies on Hidden or Protected sheets can be detected but not shown: a message and count are shown. Dependencies of functions like INDIRECT and OFFSET cannot be detected.

Expand/Contract Treeview Nodes

Clicking the Expand/Contract button will toggle expansion between all nodes expanded and the default level of expansion.

Shift-Click resets expansion to the default expansion level.

You can change the default expansion level either using Settings or by:

Alt-Click increases the default expansion level by 1

Shift-Alt-Click reduces the default expansion level by 1

Indent style

Clicking the Indent button (Alt-I) toggles the Indented Formula box between no indentation and the default indentation. You can change the Indent style in use from Settings.


Putting the indented formula back in the Home cell

Use Alt-Enter to replace the formula in the Home cell with its indented version. Note that the length of indented array formulas cannot exceed approximately 240 characters.




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