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Explorer Pro Dependents




Explorer Pro Dependents

Working with Dependents

Clicking the Dependents button (Alt-Q) shows the cell ranges that are dependent on the home cell.

The left-hand expression box shows the ranges that contain dependencies on the home cell.

The right-hand expression box shows the formula that contains the dependency (refers to the home cell). When the dependency range contains more than one unique dependency formula the number of unique formulas is shown enclosed in {}.
Selecting a dependency with more than one unique formula shows each of the unique formulas in the results box above.

Left-click a dependency range to select that range on its worksheet.
Right-click (or shift-click on the Mac) drills down to the dependency range and loads its formula.

 When all the cells in a dependency range have dependencies of their own a green icon is shown.

When only some of the cells in a dependency range contain dependencies of their own a yellow icon is shown.

Notes: Dependencies on Hidden or Protected sheets can be detected but not shown: a message and count is shown. Dependencies of functions like INDIRECT and OFFSET cannot be detected.




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